By David Kamioner | January 6, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats are miffed they were not consulted before the recent successful USAF termination of the breathing rights of Iranian terrorist general Qassem Soleimani. The strike was ordered by President Trump to deter future attacks on Americans across the globe.
Thus Pelosi is planning to introduce legislation to try and limit the president’s powers as Commander-in-Chief under the 1973 War Powers Act.
As the measure must also get through the GOP Senate it will die a quick death, yet remind voters of the modern Dem history of decrying any military action taken by a GOP president.
Scores of drone strikes by the disgraced Dem 44th president, Barack Obama? Oh well, that was fine for the Dems.
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Putting aside any constitutional questions on the president’s power in the military sphere, can you imagine what would have happened if the president had given Pelosi and the Dems a heads up?
“Go ahead Representative Omar, I have General Soleimani on the line.”
“Quassem, Nancy told me to tell you to stay under cover. Orange Hitler has your location.”
“Much thanks Ilhan. Best to all of you, as usual. See you in St. Barts with the CNN crowd this summer?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Oh, and Rashida is sending over a killer humus recipe.”
“Excellent. Hard to get good humus in Tehran because…”
“Yeah, I know, you’re not Arabs you’re Persians. Same diff in this situation. Would love to chat more, but gotta go back to destroying the U.S…”
Okay, that might not be an exact rendition of such a potential communication. But you get the drift.
To tell Pelosi and the Dems about an impending attack on an Iranian target is telling members of a party, when last in power in the White House, who shipped over a billion in last minute cash to the mad mullahs, was rumored to have warned them of upcoming Israeli operations against them, and has a historical record of undercutting U.S. forces in the field since at least the Vietnam War.
Simply put, they cannot be trusted with the information and the president did the right thing by keeping them in the dark.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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