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teen girls transgender
September 8, 2022
At brunch this weekend, a couple remarked, with some irritation, that in any gathering of Republicans, everybody always starts talking…
Joy Behar
July 14, 2021
Joy Behar said on "The View" this week that teenagers should be able to get the vaccine without the consent…
You Might Be Shocked To Learn How Young Many Founding Fathers Were When The Declaration Of Independence Was Signed
July 1, 2021
should instead remind you how shockingly young many were in America's founding generation in 1776 Declaration.
Meghan McCain
June 25, 2021
Meghan McCain torched cancel culture on "The View," telling viewers that she's "gotten in a lot of trouble" in the…
September 24, 2019
When Greta Thunberg injected herself into fracas surrounding the U.N. Climate Summit in New York Monday, many began criticizing her…
August 12, 2019
Teen Vogue posted a Snapchat story Saturday that instructs teenagers on how to obtain abortions, including how to navigate parental…
June 28, 2019
2020 Democratic candidate and Congressman Beto O’Rourke told demonstrators Central America “had no choice but to come here” because climate…
May 24, 2019
Matt M. Miller on May 22, 2019 Immigration and Customs Enforcement is seeking the custody of two alleged MS-13 members in