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March 4, 2024
Exposing the controversy around Christian nationalism and the criticism faced by believers in God-given rights. Read more to find out…
peta merry go round
February 8, 2024
PETA urged the largest amusement ride manufacturer in Kansas to end the production and sale of animal-themed carousels.
Federal prosecutors, in a highly unusual court filing, admitted to violating the legal rights of a Capitol riot defendant and asked a judge to dismiss the criminal charges against him.
March 15, 2022
Federal prosecutors admitted to violating the legal rights of a Capitol riot defendant and asked a judge to dismiss the…
A judge admonished the Justice Department for their handling of defendants' in Capitol riot cases, suggesting the scope of the investigation led to some individuals having their rights "trampled."
March 8, 2022
A judge admonished the Justice Department for their handling of Capitol riot cases, suggesting the scope of the investigation
‘That’s Bulls***’: Don Lemon Blasts Sinema And Manchin For Celebrating MLK While Opposing Dem's Voting Rights Bill
January 20, 2022
CNN's Don Lemon blasted Democratic Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin for celebrating MLK not supporting Democrats' voting rights bill.
Behar Says Republicans Will Start ‘Censoring Journalists’ If GOP Regains Power: ‘They Will Destroy Us’
January 19, 2022
"The View" Joy Behar said Republicans regains power, presumably of Congress in the the GOP would begin "censoring journalists.
DeSantis Declares That No One Should 'Have Their Rights, Freedoms, Or Liberties Restricted’ Over Boosters
December 20, 2021
Governor Ron DeSantis said on Sunday that no American's rights should be restricted over COVID-19 booster shots.
DeSantis Blasts Biden: ‘I Am Standing In Your Way’ From Taking Away People’s Freedoms
August 5, 2021
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed President Joe Biden after earlier in the week Biden suggested that DeSantis “get out of…
The Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday passed legislation that would make the Badger State a "Second Amendment sanctuary."
June 24, 2021
The Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday passed legislation that would make the Badger State a "Second Amendment sanctuary."
Governor Greg Abbott is trying to prevent Democrats from treading on Texans' gun rights, calling on his state to become a "sanctuary" for the Second Amendment.
February 9, 2021
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is trying to prevent Democrats his state to become a "sanctuary" for the Second Amendment.
Whitmer Barr
April 28, 2020
William Barr is following through on his warning that he'd be looking at whether state or local governments have been…
Whitmer Barr
April 21, 2020
Attorney General William Barr warns that some state governors have, to an extent, infringed on their constituents' fundamental and constitutional…