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A fire broke out at Balsora Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Texas, last month, nearly destroying the entire building, with the…
Two Yemeni men on the FBI terror watchlist were arrested trying to cross illegally into California, just weeks after Republican…
A segment that aired on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday featured an illegal immigrant father who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border…
Senator and 2020 Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren said she does not think it should be a crime to cross the…
A 40-foot World War I Memorial known as the Peace Cross can remain on public property according to a ruling…
When an atheist organization demanded that four Christian crosses on a county building in East Texas be taken down, a…
As the world remains stunned by the fire that engulfed France’s Notre Dame Monday, the symbol for what the church…
Too many actors in Hollywood are Obama-voting liberals who hate Christian values. But actor Chris Pratt is a true Patriot…