Republicans Call for Romney to be Removed from GOP

Republicans across the board are calling for Sen. Mitt Romney to be kicked out of the GOP for voting to convict President Trump on Wednesday.

“Forever Bitter That He Will Never be POTUS”

Senator Romney voted to convict President Trump of an abuse of power in his office. Romney said that not voting to convict the President would “expose my character to history’s rebuke,” adding that he will “tell my children and their children that I did my duty to the best of my ability, believing that my country expected it of me.”

The President’s oldest son Donald Trump Jr. said on Twitter that Romney was “forever bitter that he will never be POTUS,” and is now “officially a member of the resistance & should be expelled from the GOP.” Andrew Surabian, a former White House advisor agreed, and added “#ExpelMitt.”

Representative Lee Zeldin of New York tweeted that Romney “absolutely despises that Donald Trump was elected POTUS & he was not,” and that the senator has a “sore loser mentality.”

RELATED: Ex-Spokesman For Romney Campaign Says Trump Guilty Vote Was ‘Motivated By Bitterness And Jealousy’

Ronna McDaniel, the GOP Chairwoman, and Romney’s niece, slammed him on Twitter, saying that it wasn’t “the first time I have disagreed with Mitt, and I imagine it will not be the last. The bottom line is President Trump did nothing wrong, and the Republican Party is more united than ever behind him.”

Romney Must Go!

In Utah, a bill designed to allow citizens to recall sitting senators was already going through the legislature when Romney decided to vote for impeachment. HB217 was filed by Utah Rep. Tim Quinn – if 25% of active Utah voters signed a petition to recall a senator, then a recall question would be placed on the next ballot.

“Obviously I didn’t open this bill file after he made some of that news with impeachment, it would have never been drafted this quickly,” Quinn told The Deseret News. “So I can understand why people might think that, but if they understood the legislative process, this was well before that.”

RELATED: Laura Ingraham to Mitt Romney: If I Have to Move to Utah to Beat You I Will

It picked up a huge amount of traction from lawmakers and the public after Romney’s vote. Quinn said he received over 100 phone calls and 250 emails that were “100% positive to the bill.”

If I were living in Utah, I would be picking up the phone to Quinn or drafting an email right this minute – in my opinion, Romney’s removal can’t happen soon enough! Maybe when he’s booted out of office he might consider the wishes of the American people for once!

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