President Trump Urges People To ‘Stay Home’ — ‘Not Happy’ With Americans Ignoring Coronavirus Guidelines


On Tuesday, President Donald Trump said he was not happy with Americans who ignored the federal guidelines designed to decrease the spread of the coronavirus.

‘I’m not happy with those people if they’re not’ following the guidelines

“I’m not happy with those people if they’re not,” Trump told reporters at the White House when asked what he though about some Americans not heeding the warnings.

But the President also said it was good many of those people were being shamed or criticized as a form of “self-policing.”

“You know those people are being shouted down by other people, they know it. It’s almost like self-policing,” Trump said.

RELATED: Former White House Physician Appointed By Obama: Trump Is Saving American Lives With Response to Coronavirus

Trump: ‘We have to get this problem fixed’

The federal government unveiled guidelines on Tuesday to pause unnecessary travel and limit social gatherings to under ten people. People were also urged to continue the practice of social distancing and to work from home if possible.

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Trump particularly advised against Americans traveling unnecessarily and urged them to stay home as much as possible.

“I would just say, enjoy your home. Stay. I would just say right now. We have to get this problem fixed,” the President said.

Fighting the ‘Invisible Enemy’

President Trump reminded Americans that if each does his or her part, the virus would be overcome quicker.

“If we do this right our country, and the world frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly,” Trump said.

“We have to fight that invisible enemy,” he added.

RELATED: Ben Carson Says Americans Who Ignore Coronavirus Guidelines Are ‘Creating Part Of The Problem’

Listen to the President!

President Trump is right. While all of us might have to leave our homes for practical needs and goods or travel in emergency situations, the only way the U.S. beats this is to stop the spread of the disease through interaction. The inconvenience it may cause right now is nothing compared to the crisis we all face.

So take President Trump’s sound advice. The entire country will be better for it in the long run..

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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