Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she was satifisied with Biden’s response to the allegations against him by Tara Reade, despite him not addressing them personally.
Pelosi: “I’m Satisified With How He Has Responded”
Speaking to Alisyn Camerota on CNN, Pelosi said that she has “great sympathy for any women who bring forth an allegation,” and that she is “a big, strong supporter of the #MeToo movement,” which has “made a great contribution to our country.” Despite this seemingly pro-woman, pro-sexual assault survivor narrative, Pelosi decided to throw that all out of the window, given the alleged predator this time was a Democrat.
“I do support Joe Biden,” Pelosi continued, saying that she was “satisfied with how he has responded,” and that she was “proud to endorse him on Monday.”
While CNN may have its own problems with fake news, and covering up for the Democrats, Camerota this time decided to point out an obvious flaw with Pelosi’s comments, in that Biden had not actually responded or addressed any of the allegations himself. In fact, since the allegations by Tara Reade first came out on March 24th, out of the 19 interviews of Biden spanning nearly 4 hours in total, not one of 142 questions posed to him actually brought up the allegations.
“You know, it’s a matter that he has to deal with,” Pelosi responded, dodging the question. She proceeded to then dimiss the allegations, by arguing that “the people who worked for him at the time [said] that they absolutely never heard one iota of information about this, nobody ever brought forth a claim or had anybody else tell them about such a claim.”
Democrats Do Not Protect Women!
Pelosi then insininuated that it didn’t matter what Biden had done, because he was needed to defeat President Trump, calling this “one of the most important elections” in American history:
We say that every election, but I think this is the most crucial, and I supported him because he’s a person of great values, integrity, authenticity, imagination and connection to the American people… He’s the personification of hope and optimism for our country. I was proud to endorse him, America needs a person like Joe Biden with his, again, his integrity and his vision for the future.
Speaker Pelosi is yet another Democrat who is completely hypocritical when it comes to the allegations against Biden. Earlier this week, Tarana Burke, one of the most prominent activists who founded the #MeToo movement back in 2018, spoke on social media that despite the accusations by Tara Reade against Joe Biden, she was still going to be endorsing him for President. Like Burke, Pelosi also pushed hard against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, believing the allegations by Christine Blasey-Ford, despite them being far less credible than those of Reade’s. Democrats don’t protect women – they protect themselves.