New Honduran Caravan Ignores Trump Declaration – Headed Straight For U.S. Border

Hondurans are defying President Trump before crossing our border. What does that tell you about the people coming here? Who besides Democrats and traitors would want this?

Why do these people think it’s our responsibility to give them a living or welfare? Although it seems that we have already buckled under and are letting hundreds in to wait for a court date – which will either never happen or they won’t show up for, I hope President Trump tightens everything up, so they have no chance of getting in.

On Wednesday, a new caravan from Honduras set out for the U.S. border in defiance of President Trump who told the world we were closed, that we can’t accept any more.

According to the Red Cross “more than 800, almost a thousand,” migrants converged late Tuesday on the town of San Pedro Sula before heading north through Guatemala towards Mexico and the US border.

The caravan, which followed a call on social media, took the authorities by surprise after similar appeals since February failed to muster numbers.

Around half of them crammed aboard a fleet of minibuses, some that would take them to Tecun Uman on the Guatamala-Mexico border for a $51 fee.

Others opted for the shorter and cheaper trip to Agua Caliente, a town on the Honduran border with Guatemala. [France 24]

These caravans are thousands of people, often running miles back, all headed for the USA usually resulting in rocks and bottles being thrown at our border guards. The issue is, you’ll never see these mob actions and caravans being shown on mainstream media, other than Fox News and One America News because it justifies the reason Trump wants the wall built. So unless anyone watches those two networks, they have no idea how bad it is, and it is bad!

These caravans are the equivalent of the USA sending large groups of inner city poor north to Canada. These are not people fleeing violence, war, drug cartels; they are simply poor and unskilled workers who want a free ride on our system. Someone is selling them a bill of goods.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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