Up to now we’ve seen the media and Democrats take advantage of the coronavirus to try and push their radical agenda, close down debate, and control the lives of Americans all across the country. But, it’s nothing compared to what we’re about to see.
They have had some success to this point. So, they will double down and use the virus to try and stop every facet of the Trump campaign. Specifically, you will see massive contrived increases in infection rates in Jacksonville just before the Republican Convention. Then you will see infection rates and death rates suspiciously rise and thus statewide shutdowns mandated by public health authorities in red states and battleground states right before the election.
If they lose, they will also sue over the election and claim that the virus affected the vote to such a degree that the results should be invalidated and the election should be held again or that Biden actually won. Here’s the likely scenario.
Jacksonville: There will be protests and demonstrations, maybe some riots thrown in for good measure, over the usual issues. But some protests will be by “concerned citizens” worried that the convention will pose a public health hazard. So, you’ll see a lot of Karens on CNN saying how they were going to vote Republican but now won’t because Trump is endangering public health. No matter what news comes out of Jacksonville, this will take top billing.
Lead up to November: County public health officials in Democrat-run cities in red states and battleground states will start to issue warnings in late September. The slow uptick will begin then and will explode the last week of October. Election offices in these states will be sued to severely limit or postpone voting until proper precautions can be implemented. What those precautions are will never be quite spelled out. If they are, the requests made will be unrealistic. None of this will happen in Democrat-leaning or blue states.
Election Day: Democrats will ostentatiously show up at the polls in gear resembling lunar landing life support systems. They will claim GOP bullying, public health violations, and refusal to social distance. That is, if they believe the president has any shot at all for reelection. All will go smoothly in blue states. CNN anchors will talk ominously of a Mulligan election because of GOP “improprieties” and supposedly intentional voter suppression by non-mask-wearing Republican voters. If Biden wins, that talk will stop as soon as the networks call it for him. If the president wins…
Lawsuits galore: Preplanned lawsuits will spring up all over any state that Trump wins. They will claim voter disenfranchisement by numerous means including the ones outlined above. The Republicans will be ready for this and will file countersuits about a millisecond after the Democrats file. They will all work their way through the courts, all the while Democrats will scream for Trump to concede. But, he won’t. The courts, like in 2000, will have the final say.
This piece was written by David Kamioner on July 19, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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