John Kasich Warns Liz Cheney Will Become A ‘Martyr’ If Republicans Remove Her – ‘She’ll Get Her Followers’

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) went on CNN on Tuesday to warn Republicans that if they remove Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from her leadership, they will “create a martyr.”

“Governor Kasich, what do you make of this new reporting about this escalating rift within your party?” asked anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Kasich Issues Warning About Cheney

“What they don’t seem to calculate is if they create a martyr out of Liz Cheney, I’ll tell you what will happen, she’ll get her followers in the House. I always wondered when this was going to happen,” Kasich replied. “When somebody was going to stand up and say enough of this nonsense, so they could take her down, they could swamp her down. They could remove her from this place.”

“She’s not going to go away. There are like-minded people in the House, Republicans, and she could get a following, and she could be more trouble for them than she’s being right now by getting a group of people who say we’re not going along with your nonsense anymore,” he continued. 

Related: Cheney Says She Will Keep Being Outspoken Against ‘Dangerous’ Trump ‘Cult Of Personality’

Kasich Doubles Down

“We have a long way to go before this all plays out. Be careful when you take somebody out of a position like that that you’re not doing yourself ultimately more harm than good. She will have no constraints on what she will do going forward.”

“The Republican Party is shrinking. The fact that she said what happened on January 6th was horrible, well she’s got a lot of people in America who agree with her,” Kasich concluded. “They, they’ve got so much to talk about in tax and spend, and instead they’re fighting with one another in an effort to have purity.”

Related: Trump And GOP Leadership Endorse Replacement For Liz Cheney

Calls Grow For Cheney To Be Removed

Calls have grown for Cheney to be removed from her leadership positions ever since she voted in favor of impeaching former President Donald Trump earlier this year. She recently said that “it’s important” that Trump not run again in 2024.

“I don’t think that that’s going to happen,” Cheney told the Washington Examiner. “And I think it’s important that it not happen, given what he did.”

While she also said that she “certainly would never vote for a Democrat” and she also stated that she does not think Trump “should be president again.”

This piece was written by James Samson on May 5, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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