During The GOP Debate’s Closing Remarks, Trump SHOCKED The Audience With THIS!

GOP Debate

What Donald Trump did to Ted Cruz during his closing debate arguments will be the last thing voters remember before the New Hampshire primary. In case you missed it, the Cruz campaign was caught lying to voters – telling them that Dr. Ben Carson was dropping out of the race, and to vote for Cruz. Trump used his closing arguments to call Cruz out big time!

Trump is a master of branding, and he’s been branding Cruz as a liar and a cheat. Of course, if Cruz hadn’t lied and cheated, then he wouldn’t be branded. Ben Carson didn’t deserve what the Cruz campaign did no matter how bad they want to spin it and say, “well Carson isn’t winning anyways.”

And did you see CNN defend their Iowa reporting after the debate?

It was totally devastating to Cruz. They outright said he told a baldfaced lie in his debate answer. The Iowa stunt is going to hurt Cruz and might just give us President Trump!

From Newsninja2012.com:

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump won the ABC New Hampshire debate tonight. Trump’s best answer was bringing back water boarding and worse for radical Islamic ISIS that are cutting the heads off Christians and others.

But the big time closer happened so fast, I watched the video (below) again and noticed even Jeb Bush was laughing at Ted Cruz after the GOP frontrunner Donald Trump smacked him down

Cruz: The people of Iowa put country and our children above the corporate welfare. We can turn this country around if we get back to the constitution and I will always stand with the American people against the bipartisan corruption of Washington.

Trump: That’s because he got Ben Carson’s votes, by the way, but we won’t say that.

Check out the video:

I thought it was extremely petty of Cruz to use questionable tactics against Carson’s voters in Iowa and now to try to cover it up, and try to claim it was just some mistake. I think that will be the turning point in the Cruz campaign. Just remember and mark it down, this was the time when Cruz demonstrated that he is the same as all the other lying, cheating, professional politicians in DC.

H/T: Newsninja2012

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Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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