GOING VIRAL: Ohio Man Honors Fallen Soldiers With Annual Snow Sculpture



An Ohio man honored our fallen soldiers with his annual snow sculpture: a 14 foot bald eagle, with an American flag hung on its back. Here’s the story:

Roger L. Pugh says every year he makes some sort of snow sculpture, but this year he decided to take it to the next level and turn it into a tribute to fallen soldiers. He says he worked on it a little each night after work, and he’s happy with how it turned out: a bald eagle wrapped in the American flag, with a grave with boots and a wooden gun and helmet in front.

“It’s a tribute to our fallen soldiers, the ones that covered my back and taking care of my butt for a lot of years,” Pugh said. “If it can put a smile on somebody’s face, or make them think about our soldiers, hey, mission accomplished.”

Kinda puts your measly 5 foot snowman to shame, huh?

Alexa is a freelance writer and communications consultant, with experience working on the Hill, at the RNC, and for ... More about Alexa
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