Girl Scouts Give Highest Award to Girl Who Promotes a Pro-Abortion Message

LifeNews reports that the conservative group, which has been observing the youth organization for some time, learned last week that a Girl Scouts group in Arizona had honored a member for her work in promoting  “reproductive health justice.”

‘Reproductive Health Justice’

“Meghna Gopalan, recently profiled in a Tucson publication, received the Gold Award, the Girl Scouts highest honor, for her work,” LifeNews reports. “Her project involved working with the pro-abortion Women’s March and its affiliate in Tucson. She said her goal was to ‘educate people about and destigmatize access to women’s healthcare’ — euphemisms for abortion.”

“I’m planning on hosting an event to educate people about and de-stigmatize access to women’s healthcare,” Meghan Gopalan said. “I’ve been working with El Rio Reproductive Health Access Project, and they offered ideas on reproductive health justice which would broaden the scope of the project a little bit. I got interested in the topic with the Supreme Court nomination of [Brett] Kavanaugh …”

Nothing New for Girl Scouts

Why are the Girl Scouts promoting abortion under the guise of “reproductive health justice?” Surely not all of the parents of the group’s youth members necessarily agree with this stance.

“Christy Volanski, co-editor of, said the Girl Scouts have a ‘cozy relationship’ with the abortion industry,” The Daily Wire notes. “Former Girl Scouts CEO Kathy Cloninger even once admitted on NBC: ‘We partner with many organizations. We have relationships with … Planned Parenthood organizations across the country.”

The Girls Scouts officially claim that the organization takes “no position” on abortion, yet many conservatives have long been uncomfortable with the overall pro-abortion slant of the youth group.

The Daily Wire reports:

In a national survey in 2013, seventeen Girl Scouts councils admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood; other councils refuse to answer the survey question. Of the 315 Girl Scout councils in the U.S., 17 councils reported having a relationship with Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, and 49 reported they do not. The other 249 refused to disclose any relationship.

In 2013, Girl Scouts USA pushed a suggestion that pro-abortion activist and former Texas lawmaker Wendy Davis be chosen as Woman of the Year, calling her “incredible.”

Brainwashing young minds?

While this latest award to a girl promoting abortion is nothing new for the obviously left-slanted organization, more Americans should be aware of what ideologies are being pushed on young minds.

Polls show most Americans favor some type of limits on abortion at the same time Democrats are increasingly for no limits, right up until the time of birth.

The Girl Scouts should not be introducing just one side of this debate on all its young members and has no right to try to convince young girls that abortion is somehow a positive experience, leaving out the life and death ramifications.

How did the Girl Scouts go from baking cookies to promoting death?

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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