An MSNBC focus group in New Hampshire had some sobering comments for Hillary Clinton, saying she is off-putting, condescending, and even “bitchy!”
Via The American Mirror:
During a New Hampshire focus group of Democrats televised on MSNBC this morning, “Shannon” didn’t want to say what she really thinks of Hillary Clinton.
The exchange with moderator Mark Halperin began with Shannon saying Hillary’s “scorned” tone can be “off-putting.”
“Tell me what it’s like, what are you seeing,” Halperin pressed.
After sighing, Shannon replied, “You know, when she’s — I don’t want to use the word,” laughing. Then she whispered “bitchy” to Halperin.
Another male voter said he felt Hillary is a strong candidate “but she has that condescending and I can see that causing gridlock.”
Another added that “she does seem a little condescending” while the original voter said it’s more like “I’m a woman, I deserve it.”
Watch the focus group eviscerate Hillary below …
Comment: Do you agree with the focus group that Hillary comes off as a little ‘bitchy?’