Find Out What MSNBC Anchor Says Is The Cause of The Amtrak Train Crash


MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, never one to be confused with a future candidate for Mensa, put on his big boy investigator pants yesterday and determined was caused the Amtrak train derailment in Philadelphia.

Straight lines.

On three separate occasions yesterday, Matthews suggested that the train crash occurred because Amtrak lines do not travel in a straight line.

Call off the investigation. Problem solved. Simply straighten out the tracks, and these accidents won’t occur in the future.

At one point, he even lamented the fact that in communist China, they’re willing to draw a straight line in designing their train right-of-ways, even if it means going through your house.

Because that’d be a good thing here in America.

Watch the montage below …

Here is the transcript of Matthew’s comments:

“But we have a country where people can complain. In Communist countries like China, they just draw a straight line, whether it goes through your house or not, it’s a straight line. We have this Amtrak, I’ve been taking it for a half a century, it doesn’t go in a straight line. In this case, it tried to make a turn and turned over! Because there’s so many turns on that route. How do you get rid of the turns?… Let’s talk about the track. You take the train every night home. And you take it too, as well. You know how it’s rickety. You know it jumps around a lot. It’s like the Wild West, some parts of that route. Do we need to have a better right-of-way? Can we clear a straight line for this train? How fast can a train go if it’s going like this?”

It didn’t turn over because it tried to take the turn, it turned over because it tried to take a turn designed for 50 mph at 106 mph.

No word on whether or not Matthews would also support straightening out all of our highways as well.

What do you think of Matthews’ assessment of the Amtrak train crash?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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