Were Copper Thieves to Blame For Detroit’s Massive Highway Floods?

On Monday, as storms rolled across Southeastern Michigan, highways throughout the Detroit area became so flooded that over 1,000 cars were abandoned as their owners fled for higher ground. At least two people died, and it could be several more days before all the highways reopen. The possible cause of this unprecedented disaster? Copper thieves, says CBS Detroit.


Officials say copper piping stolen from pumping stations used to clear water from the freeways might have been a contributing factor in this week’s major highway flooding.

Michigan Department of Transportation spokeswoman Diane Cross said the copper piping had been stolen from several pumping stations — but MDOT didn’t know about the thefts until going in to pump the water after Monday’s torrential storms.

Cross said it could be several days before all freeways are reopened.

“It really is an extremely rare situation, but we’re working the best we can to get the roads open,” she said.

Copper theft for sale as scrap is a longstanding area problem, with it being blamed for many streetlight outages.

As horrifying as this revelation is, at least Detroit can serve as a warning for other cities: This is what a once-great metropolis looks like after decades of far-left Democratic rule, when no one can plausibly blame “racism” anymore.

But I’m sure that won’t stop some from trying. A few weeks ago, a group of angry protestors rallied to demand free water for residents who can’t or won’t pay their water bills, asking “Where do you expect us to sh**?” Some Detroit residents really do expect everything they want or  need to be handed to them. Need water? Demand someone else pay for it. Want some fast cash? Tear copper pipes out of the ground – even if it means drowning your fellow citizens in a flash flood.

It’s obvious that many of Detroit’s problems stem from the city’s corrupt culture, not “racism” or “oppression.” Until residents are able to admit that, the city has no hope of ever making a turnaround.

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