Busted: Obama Confirms His Link to Jonathan Gruber

Yet another video involving Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has surfaced, but this time it doesn’t contain Gruber making controversial remarks, it contains President Obama himself saying he borrowed liberally from Gruber’s concepts in developing his health care reform ideas.

Watch below (H/T Phil Kerpen) …

The short video clip directly contradicts the notion that Obama did not mislead the American people, having developed a working relationship with Gruber even before he was to become President.

Gruber has already admitted to constructing “phase-ins” and hiding language in order to make the bill easier to pass.  He already admitted that Obamacare was written in a way to mislead the CBO into not scoring it as a tax.  And he already admitted to misleading “stupid” American voters.

Now President Obama has been caught saying he has “stolen ideas” from Gruber.

Were these the same ideas?  Has Obama been caught red-handed once again, with more proof that he intentionally misled the American people about Obamacare?


Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss