Whoa! Ben Carson Just Did THIS To Donald Trump In Iowa

Two new polls out of Iowa show Donald Trump has been bumped from the top spot among Iowa Republicans – Ben Carson now leads the crowded primary pack.

The retired neurosurgeon has the support of 28% percent of Iowans according the latest results from both a Quinnipiac poll and a joint poll from Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics. Quinnipiac has Trump with 20% support while the other poll shows 19% of Hawkeye State Republicans supporting the real estate mogul. Carson’s rise in Iowa is attributed to support from Evangelical Christians.

Donald Trump reacted to his slump by retweeting an insult about Iowans. When pressed on the tweet, he deleted it and attributed the rogue post to an intern.


The strategy of insulting voters when polling numbers sour typically backfires. Some pundits are saying this is the descent of Donald Trump’s candidacy as voters won’t tolerate being called names.

What is your reaction to pundits claiming this begins the downward spiral of the Trump campaign? Do you believe Ben Carson will overtake Trump? Please comment below.


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