AOC Accuses Trump Of Using Coronavirus To ‘Push Tax Cuts And Corporate Bailouts’

Once again, Ocasio-Cortez has shown that it's her way or the highway, and she'll never be satisfied until Trump is gone and her radical liberals are in power.

AOC Trump

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) politicized coronavirus once again today when she used the virus to launch a shameless attack on President Donald Trump.

Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter on Tuesday afternoon and claimed that President Trump is using coronavirus to give top companies a bailout rather than pushing policies that would help the working class.

“This is unacceptable,” she tweeted. “Trump is using this public health crisis as an opportunity to push tax cuts and corporate bailouts.”

“This is an emergency,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “We need to help vulnerable people & small biz now w/ paid leave, extended unemployment, UBI, Medicaid expansion,&mortgage suspensions.”

Ocasio-Cortez posted this in response to another tweet from Fox News White House correspondent John Roberts, who was detailing the economic stimulus package that Trump reportedly plans to ask Congress for this week. He wrote that the package will include “$500 bil in payroll tax cut, $250 bil in Small Business Association loans, $58 billion for the airlines, and a smattering of other items.”

This came after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced that Trump plans to send out $1,000 checks to every American to help them through this difficult time, according to The Washington Examiner.

“The payroll tax holiday would get people money over the next six to eight months,” Mnuchin said during a White House press conference “We’re looking at sending checks to Americans immediately.”

Ocasio-Cortez, who is normally a big fan of handouts, claimed that this was “not enough.”

Anyone with half a brain can see that Ocasio-Cortez will never praise Trump or give him credit for anything. Trump could find a cure for coronavirus himself, and Ocasio-Cortez would still find a way to attack him for it on social media.

Once again, Ocasio-Cortez has shown that it’s her way or the highway, and she’ll never be satisfied until Trump is gone and her radical liberals are in power. While she continues to throw temper tantrums online, Trump will be busy working overtime to ensure that the coronavirus is defeated and the lives of the American people are saved.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on March 17, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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