5 Biggest Hypocrisies of Being a Liberal

It’s not always easy being a liberal. Some, like legendary conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, have even gone so far as to suggest liberalism may be a disorder of the mind.

One thing is certain, however – Being a bleeding-heart liberal means taking the concept of hypocrisy to new, amazing heights.

Sure, we’ve all been guilty of being hypocrites at times. But when your entire platform, politics, and life’s work is based on tricking gullible people, well … this list puts things in perspective.

5 of the Biggest Hypocrisies of Liberals

Liberals believe that:

– They’re the most compassionate people in society. Yet, in study after study, you find that conservatives give more of their money to charity than liberals.

– We’ve all got to dramatically reduce our carbon footprint to save the planet. Yet, liberals like Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio live in big mansions and fly around in private jets.

– Guns should be banned! Yet, while they want to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding Americans, liberal celebrities and politicians walk around with armed bodyguards.

– They are champions of free speech, but they approve of conservative speakers being attacked and shouted down.

– When someone despises America, we need to ask, “What have we done to make him hate us?” — But, when someone despises liberals for what they’re doing to the country, they conclude that person must be ignorant, bigoted, or evil.

So there you have it. It’s not a complete list by any means, of course. It could literally go on forever. But it certainly provides some perspective inĀ  challenging times such as the one we live in now. And it should make our friends on the left think a little bit about what makes them tick.

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H/T: John Hawkins

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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